FreeZoey Laine sex video

This is Alison and Zoeys first super slutty Halloween. They want to make it count, plus their parents are getting at some costume party. They invite a boy from skool over to chill with them and get into some sexual Halloween shenanigans. Their stepbrother Rob did not only overhear their devious plans, but when the guy mentioned him they referred to Rob as a dweeb who is probably out trick or treating. It was time for Rob to not be a pussy and show his slutty the dark side of his personality. He locked all the doors that were left open for the other kiidd, and found the spookiest mask he could. He entered his room and pointed straight to his cock. The girls sucked his succulent serpent double time then took turns riding his face and cock. After jizzing all over their faces, he knew he had taught them to never underestimate him again.

Duration:7 min
Tags: zoey laine dadcrush
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