This game series titled 'Beginnings' drops you into the lead male protagonist's life at a pivotal point. He moved back in with his sister, Marcy, three months ago following a nasty breakup with his ex and has become a shut-in. At first Marcy was ok with this and let him cope in his own way but as time has passed she has become very worried for her brother and is determined to get him back out into the world. This is where the story picks up. After three months with virtually no interactions besides his sister, he finally gets pressured into going to a yoga class with Marcy, who wants to introduce him to the yoga instructor. [GAME WAS ABANDONED, the current clip is final.] Characters: Jon - Male Protagonist - Son Marcy - Sister Rachael - Yoga Instructor Jade - Yoga Babe Amanda - Yoga Babe
Duration:13 min